Sunday 17 June 2012

Before Pedro and Lola came home

Originally, we were only going to have one kitten and had decided that we would like a male. There were 5 kittens born (2 males and 3 females) and my other half went to choose our boy just four days after they were born. Unfortunately, I could not go as I had other commitments but received this photo by text which melted my heart.

I finally got to meet our boy (and siblings) when they were 2 weeks old. During which time we had been debating whether we should stick with one kitten or have a pair. Reason being, we both work full time and we were worried that Pedro would be a little lonely. Bengals are very affectionate and demand a lot of attention, so we went with an open mind. During our visit, we decided that we would definitely have a pair and so decided on a sister... Lola.

Unfortunately we were not able to get a photo of Lola because mum was being rather protective of her babies and we didn't want to cause mum or babies any stress. I have to be honest I walked out of the breeders house and thought to myself what have I committed myself to! However, I can hand on heart say, I have not looked back once.

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